Category: Flow Poems

ONLY © Oma Dok (Gail Doktor) 2022There is no other worldThere is no other home.There is only here. This place. Where we stand, where we exist.There is no past,There is no future,There is only now.…

PORTALS© Oma Dok (Gail Doktor) 2022On the other side of this transit,Beyond this jump, Where will I be?What coordinates will guide me?By what map shall I find my Way?What sextant, what astrolabe, Can measure my…

SPECTRUM© Oma Dok (Gail Doktor) 2022My light. Your light. We see different stars, We study different constellations, We observe from different parts of the universe. You look out from the heart of the known worlds,…

BEGINNING © Oma Dok (Gail Doktor) 2022If we had knownThe journey we were about to undergo,Would we have taken the first step? Would we have dared the road?Endured the sorrow for the joy?Accepted the loss…


BE© Oma Dok (Gail Doktor) 2022Be still and know that I am the Way.Be still and know that I am.Be still and know.Be still.Be. (inspired by wisdom text from ancient Terran religion)

TRANSLATION © Oma Dok (Gail Doktor) 2022I sought an interpreterTo stand between me And the unknown.A mechanismOr an aideTo help me understandWhat you were trying to sayIn your foreign tongueThat I could not mimicWith my…